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Colonial Fair: Middle Colonies

The Middle Colonies

Citation info:  If you want to manually enter the citation, see the directions on the Database page for the information and format. There is no source citation sheet.

To copy and paste:  Select "Website". When data entry screen opens click on: Quick Cite - copy and paste a citation. Copy the citation below and paste. 

"Thirteen Colonies: the Middle Colonies." You Tube. Mr. Zoller's Video Podcasts. Web. ENTER DATE OF ACCESS at data entry. <>

The Quakers, the Dutch and the Ladies

Information on the Middle Colonies appears in the beginning, followed by the Southern colonies and then New England. Information on women appears around 9:00.

Citation info:  If you want to manually enter the citation, see the directions on the Database page for the information and format. There is no source citation sheet.

To copy and paste:  Select "Website". When data entry screen opens click on: Quick Cite - copy and paste a citation. Copy the citation below and paste. 

"The Quakers, the Dutch and the Ladies." You Tube. Crash Course. Web. ENTER DATE OF ACCESS at data entry. <>

Middle Colonies

For basic historical information on the establishement of individual colonies, see the databases and UXL's ebook, Colonial America. The links below also have information but your particular colony may not be discussed in enough detail.